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The Gap assistance program is designed to bridge the funding gap for individuals who meet program and income guidelines. Gap provides need-based tuition assistance for approved short-term credit and non-credit training programs that are in high-need fields and not eligible for federal financial aid. Gap assistance may be right for you if you are un- or underemployed or are looking to up-skill to achieve career advancement.

You may be eligible for partial or total assistance for tuition, books, fees, and equipment.


To be eligible for the Gap assistance program you must:
  1. Be a Nebraska resident for at least 6 months
  2. Be a US Citizen or legal resident
  3. Have a family income at or below 250% of the federal income poverty guidelines
  4. Have the ability to obtain and maintain full-time employment
  5. Have the ability to be accepted into and complete the desired program of study
  6. Not currently receiving funding for education from any other source or organization

2024 差距 Income Guidelines – add $5,140 for each additional person in household
家庭/家庭规模 约. 每小时工资 每月收入 年度收入
1 $18.10 $3,137.50 $37,650
2 $24.56 $4,258.32 $51,100
3 $31.06 $5,385.41 $64,625
4 $37.50 $6,500.00 $78,000
5 $43.96 $7,620.83 $91,450
6 $50.43 $8,741.66 $104,900
7 $56.89 $9,862.50 $118,350
8 $63.36 $10,983.33 $131,800

*按40小时计算./wk., 52 weeks, total combined wage   
**Add $5,140 for each additional person in the household




  1. 研究 and select your desired program.
  2. 报名参加并参加一个 员工资讯会.
  3. Schedule to take and complete the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) assessment. To find more information about the NCRC, 点击这里.
  4. 完成你的 空白应用程序 然后发送到 gap@lengyileng.com
  5. Collect the required verification documents that need to be provided during your interview:
    1. State-issued photo ID or Driver’s License
    2. Most recent paycheck stubs for self and spouse, if applicable
    3. Verification of other sources of income
    4. Most recent years’ tax return
    5. Green card, if applicable
    6. Resume, if available
    7. Complete intake with Career Skills Coach

What are the requirements for participating?

  1. By applying for and accepting Gap funding you are agreeing to:
  2. Maintain regular contact with instructors, career coaches, and program staff.
  3. Sign any necessary releases to provide relevant information to college staff, if applicable.
  4. Discuss with college staff any issues that may affect your ability to complete the program and obtain or maintain full-time employment.
  5. Attend all courses regularly, if you will be absent communicate with college staff and make arrangements to complete work outside of class time.
  6. Meet with college staff to develop a job search plan.
  7. Complete surveying when requested by college staff.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am enrolled in a credit program at OPE电子竞技官网 and receive financial aid, can I also be eligible for 差距 funding to enroll in a 差距 program?

In order to be eligible for Gap funding, an applicant cannot have any other source of funding available, 公立或私立.

I am enrolled in a credit program at another college and receive the Pell grant for that program, am I able to enroll in a program at OPE电子竞技官网 and use 差距 funding?

No, if you are currently receiving funding for education from any other source or organization you are not eligible for Gap funding. This includes any scholarships, or federal or state grants you might be awarded for completing your FASFA.

I am a DACA individual, am I eligible for 差距 funding?

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) students are not eligible for the Gap program as deferred action does not provide lawful status which is a requirement for public benefits.

Can I use 差距 assistance for a program that is not on the eligible program list?

Gap assistance funds can only be utilized for approved programs that are on the eligible program list.

I am 16 years old, am I eligible for 差距 funding?

To be eligible for Gap funding you must be able to be employed full-time upon completion of the program.

I do not have my high school diploma or 格 yet, am I eligible for 差距 funding?

To be eligible for Gap funding you do need to have a high school diploma or 格, if you are interested in learning more about Metropolitan 社区 Colleges 成人教育 programs you can visit this .


For more information on eligibility for assistance or to pre-qualify for funding, 请与差距经理联系.

gap@lengyileng.com 531 - mcc - 2832