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Black History Month- African Americans & 艺术

Black History Month

Black History Month Kick-off

Step afrika presents: Step 101

Founded in 1994 by C. Brian Williams, 一步非洲! 第一家专业公司是致力于踏步的传统吗. 在奥. Williams’ leadership, stepping has evolved into one of America’s cultural exports, 在全球60多个国家巡回演出,并被评为美国十大非裔美国舞蹈团之一. 一步非洲! blends percussive dance styles practiced by historically African American fraternities and sororities; traditional African dances; and an array of contemporary dance and art forms into a cohesive, compelling artistic experience.

一步非洲! 因对艺术教育的杰出贡献而获得市长艺术奖, Innovation in the Arts, Excellence in an Artistic Discipline, 并入选了全国校园活动协会(NACA)名人堂, the first Dance Company to earn this honor. 一步非洲! 在奥巴马总统的黑人历史月招待会上担任主角,并在白宫首次举行的六月节庆祝活动上表演. 该公司是史密森尼国家非裔美国人历史博物馆的重要展品 & Culture with the world’s first stepping interactive exhibit.

日期: Monday, January 29, 2024
时间: 6:00 p.m. Hors d’oeuvres, buffet and open reception
              6:30 p.m. Performance by 一步非洲!
              7:45 p.m. Closing reception and program end
地点: OPE电子竞技官网南奥马哈校区,CAM大楼,120室

混合讲座:亚伦道格拉斯,直到班' 22:视觉艺术家的哈莱姆文艺复兴

Peggy Jones, MFA, Associate Professor, Black Studies; Associate Director, Women & Gender Studies Program, University of Nebraska Omaha

这次视觉展示将介绍艺术家亚伦·道格拉斯,“黑人艺术之父”.” Douglas was the first Black graduate of the UNL Department of Art. His work is a celebration of Afrocentric Modernism, 这是他对黑人身份最早的肯定描述之一, 历史, 和经验.

日期: Thursday, February 1
时间: 12:30-1:45 p.m. 中科
地点: Elkhorn Valley Campus, Room 114
Register for Zoom at: Visual Artists of the Harlem Renaissance


Dr. 夸扣特尔人L. Dreher, Associate Professor, English, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Dr. 夸扣特尔人L. 德雷尔分享了她作为导演和贝尔事件的联合作者的经历. 她设想了一个由被奴役和自由的人组成的社区在协商时间和抵抗运动时进行的日常互动和对话, as well as weighed thoughts and ideas in their private spaces. Every strand of dialogue, 现场的方向, 性格的暗示证明了被奴役和自由的人们的忍耐力,因为他们在种植园制度的限制下航行.

日期: Thursday, February 8

时间: 4:00-5:00 p.m.中科

地点: South Omaha Campus, CAM Building, Conference Room 120

Register for Zoom at: From The Director's Chair

Documentary Screening: 贝尔事件

这部故事片主要讲述了一个被奴役的家庭在华盛顿为争取自由而起诉的特殊经历, D.C., at a pivotal moment in the national struggle over slavery. It tells the story of Daniel and Mary Bell from Prince George's County. Daniel launched a lawsuit to make his family free just as a labor strike, 暴民私刑, 1835年夏末,美国首都爆发了一场种族骚乱. The threat of violence prompted U.S. 地方检察官弗朗西斯·斯科特·基将起诉数十名白人罢工者, indict an enslaved man accused of attempted murder, 并以煽动奴隶起义的罪名起诉一位废奴主义编辑. 此前,基曾代表数十个马里兰州被奴役的家庭起诉,要求获得自由. 贝尔事件 depicts his turn 再一次。st black freedom. Key's brother-in-law Roger B. 托尼, another Maryland lawyer, 因为他被提名为最高法院大法官.  
日期Thursday, February 8
TIME6:00-8:30 p.m. 中科
地点: South Omaha Campus, CAM Building, Conference Room 120



这部纪录片记录了路易斯维尔几代非裔美国人的导师, 肯塔基州西区社区和他们通过创造性表达赋予儿童和青少年权力的工作. For three decades, 爱德华·“纳迪”·怀特(Edward“Nardie”White)一直在河城鼓队(River City Drum Corps)教授祖先的泛非文化和击鼓传统,以便在他的社区青年中灌输有目的的适应力的基础. Against the backdrop of the American South, Mr. 怀特的鼓线及其几代人的支持网络一直是许多年轻的非洲裔美国人的生命线. 现在他已经60多岁了,他必须下台,让鼓队与新一代一起发展. In his final year as director he trains his successor Albert Shumake, 一个年轻的艺术家,他混乱的生活被鼓线和Mr. White’s mentorship when he was a teen. During this transitional year, Mr. 怀特和艾伯特反思他们生活中的悲剧和胜利,以及鼓队的遗产. 以强大的鼓线表演和父母、青年和导师的故事为特色, RIVER CITY DRUMBEAT is a testament to the lasting impact of art, love and community.
日期: Monday, February 12
时间: 2:00-4:00 p.m. 中科
View the dicussion 再一次。 at River City Drumbeat

Hybrid LECTURE: The Kansas City Monarchs and America's National Pastime

菲尔年代. Dixon, Historian and co-founder of the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum

美国黑人棒球联盟的历史反映了非裔美国人在社会上所经历的种族斗争. It was plagued by discrimination, racism and inequity, while its athletes were celebrated for their resiliency, professionalism and athleticism. 从1920年到1957年,堪萨斯城帝王队在堪萨斯和整个地区巡回演出,与当地城镇进行了400多场比赛. 这次演讲对这项运动的历史和棒球的历史有了新的认识. Mr. Dixon will also share information about his new book, American Baseball Chronicles, Great Teams: The 1910 Chicago Leland Giants Volume II.
Audience members are encouraged to wear Negro Leagues Baseball attire!
日期: Tuesday, February 13
时间: 6:30-8:00 p.m. 中科
地点: Fort Omaha Campus, Bldg 10, Room 110
The Kansas City Monarchs and America's National Pastime 再一次。.


巴里·托马斯是“为美国而教”组织社区参与副主席.S. Wayne State College, M.S. 多恩大学

So, in 2024, we are still banning books? 让孩子们了解黑人的经历和这个国家对种族主义的严格控制并不是一场新的斗争. 几个世纪以来, 黑人和他们的盟友一直在努力争取公正和公平的教育,在那里他们可以了解他们在美国发展中所扮演的角色. 这场引人入胜的互动讨论将突出1724年被克服的障碍如何以及为什么今天将继续被克服.
日期: Monday, February 19
时间: 12:30-1:45 p.m. 中科
地点: Fort Omaha Campus, Bldg 10, Room 110
Register for Zoom at: People Resistance Against Book Bans Throughout History 

Participation for all programs is free and open to the public.
联系 Intercultural Education or 531-622-2253 for more information.

住宿:由于残疾需要住宿的观众必须联系国际/跨文化教育,, 531-622-2253 at least two weeks prior to the program.


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